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Sviečka – kedysi nevyhnutnosť, dnes zbytočnosť  - Podcastová verzia
Podcasty 14. október 2020

Sviečka – kedysi nevyhnutnosť, dnes zbytočnosť - Podcastová verzia Odporučený

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10611 komentáre

Uctite si svojich milovaných, ktorí tu už nie sú, ale myslite aj na tých, ktorí tu ešte sú.

Je ťažké hnevať sa na sviečky, pretože sa spájajú s množstvom pozitívnych emócií. Vedia vytvoriť romantickú atmosféru s milencom, navodiť príjemné teplo domova, keď si ju zapálime osamote, iní v nej vidia prítomnosť Boha či pokoj, ktorý na nás prejde počas sledovania pomalého a zdĺhavého horenia. O to viac sa vyžaduje prítomnosť sviečky práve v novembrovom období, kedy navštevujeme cintoríny o niečo intenzívnejšie než počas roka. Nosíme ich na hrob a zapaľujeme ich. Čím viac blikajú, tým lepšie. Možno pre nás, ale pre prírodu rozhodne nie…

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30676 zhliadnutí
Naposledy zmenené 14. október 2020

10611 komentáre

  • Lesternak
    Lesternak pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:59

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.io is a simple and reliable way to protect your Steam account. The program allows you to confirm transactions, receive security codes, and manage two-factor authentication settings without relying on your smartphone.

  • Andrewbrove
    Andrewbrove pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:58

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.me is a PC application that makes it easier to use two-factor authentication on Steam. By replacing the mobile authenticator, it allows you to confirm trades, purchases, and account logins, providing a high level of security and ease of use.

  • DavidVep
    DavidVep pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:58

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamauthenticator.ru is a convenient application for managing Steam two-factor authentication directly on your PC. It allows you to confirm logins, trades, and purchases without the need for a mobile device.

  • DavidVep
    DavidVep pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:57

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamauthenticator.ru is a convenient application for managing Steam two-factor authentication directly on your PC. It allows you to confirm logins, trades, and purchases without the need for a mobile device.

  • Andrewbrove
    Andrewbrove pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:41

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.me is a PC application that makes it easier to use two-factor authentication on Steam. By replacing the mobile authenticator, it allows you to confirm trades, purchases, and account logins, providing a high level of security and ease of use.

  • DavidVep
    DavidVep pondelok, 30 december 2024 12:40

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamauthenticator.ru is a convenient application for managing Steam two-factor authentication directly on your PC. It allows you to confirm logins, trades, and purchases without the need for a mobile device.

  • Lesternak
    Lesternak pondelok, 30 december 2024 11:42

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.io is a simple and reliable way to protect your Steam account. The program allows you to confirm transactions, receive security codes, and manage two-factor authentication settings without relying on your smartphone.

  • Andrewbrove
    Andrewbrove pondelok, 30 december 2024 11:29

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.me is a PC application that makes it easier to use two-factor authentication on Steam. By replacing the mobile authenticator, it allows you to confirm trades, purchases, and account logins, providing a high level of security and ease of use.

  • Lesternak
    Lesternak pondelok, 30 december 2024 11:00

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.io is a simple and reliable way to protect your Steam account. The program allows you to confirm transactions, receive security codes, and manage two-factor authentication settings without relying on your smartphone.

  • Andrewbrove
    Andrewbrove pondelok, 30 december 2024 10:51

    Steam Desktop Authenticator steamdesktopauthenticator.me is a PC application that makes it easier to use two-factor authentication on Steam. By replacing the mobile authenticator, it allows you to confirm trades, purchases, and account logins, providing a high level of security and ease of use.
