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Podcasty 14. október 2020

Sviečka – kedysi nevyhnutnosť, dnes zbytočnosť - Podcastová verzia Odporučený

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Uctite si svojich milovaných, ktorí tu už nie sú, ale myslite aj na tých, ktorí tu ešte sú.

Je ťažké hnevať sa na sviečky, pretože sa spájajú s množstvom pozitívnych emócií. Vedia vytvoriť romantickú atmosféru s milencom, navodiť príjemné teplo domova, keď si ju zapálime osamote, iní v nej vidia prítomnosť Boha či pokoj, ktorý na nás prejde počas sledovania pomalého a zdĺhavého horenia. O to viac sa vyžaduje prítomnosť sviečky práve v novembrovom období, kedy navštevujeme cintoríny o niečo intenzívnejšie než počas roka. Nosíme ich na hrob a zapaľujeme ich. Čím viac blikajú, tým lepšie. Možno pre nás, ale pre prírodu rozhodne nie…

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22933 zhliadnutí
Naposledy zmenené 14. október 2020

5796 komentáre

  • Sheltonlep
    Sheltonlep štvrtok, 26 december 2024 00:33

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is an alternative to the mobile authenticator. Generating Steam Guard codes, confirming logins, trades and transactions is now possible directly from your computer. A convenient and secure solution for Steam users who want to simplify their account management.

  • Sheltonlep
    Sheltonlep štvrtok, 26 december 2024 00:32

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is an alternative to the mobile authenticator. Generating Steam Guard codes, confirming logins, trades and transactions is now possible directly from your computer. A convenient and secure solution for Steam users who want to simplify their account management.

  • Curtisexale
    Curtisexale štvrtok, 26 december 2024 00:20

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a convenient tool for two-factor authentication of Steam via PC. The program generates Steam Guard codes, replacing the mobile authenticator. Easily confirm logins, trades and sales directly from your computer. Increase account security and manage it quickly and conveniently.

  • Sheltonlep
    Sheltonlep štvrtok, 26 december 2024 00:15

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is an alternative to the mobile authenticator. Generating Steam Guard codes, confirming logins, trades and transactions is now possible directly from your computer. A convenient and secure solution for Steam users who want to simplify their account management.

  • Curtisexale
    Curtisexale streda, 25 december 2024 23:07

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a convenient tool for two-factor authentication of Steam via PC. The program generates Steam Guard codes, replacing the mobile authenticator. Easily confirm logins, trades and sales directly from your computer. Increase account security and manage it quickly and conveniently.

  • Sheltonlep
    Sheltonlep streda, 25 december 2024 22:29

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is an alternative to the mobile authenticator. Generating Steam Guard codes, confirming logins, trades and transactions is now possible directly from your computer. A convenient and secure solution for Steam users who want to simplify their account management.

  • Curtisexale
    Curtisexale streda, 25 december 2024 22:29

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a convenient tool for two-factor authentication of Steam via PC. The program generates Steam Guard codes, replacing the mobile authenticator. Easily confirm logins, trades and sales directly from your computer. Increase account security and manage it quickly and conveniently.

  • Curtisexale
    Curtisexale streda, 25 december 2024 22:03

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a convenient tool for two-factor authentication of Steam via PC. The program generates Steam Guard codes, replacing the mobile authenticator. Easily confirm logins, trades and sales directly from your computer. Increase account security and manage it quickly and conveniently.

  • Sheltonlep
    Sheltonlep streda, 25 december 2024 22:03

    Steam Desktop Authenticator is an alternative to the mobile authenticator. Generating Steam Guard codes, confirming logins, trades and transactions is now possible directly from your computer. A convenient and secure solution for Steam users who want to simplify their account management.

  • snyatie lomki narkolog_ccSa
    snyatie lomki narkolog_ccSa streda, 25 december 2024 21:57

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